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Selectmen Minutes 07/25/2006
Chichester Board of Selectmen
July 25, 2006

MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman MacCleery, Selectman Colbert, Selectman DeBold an Administrative Assistant Lisa Stevens

Chairman MacCleery opened the meeting at 7:00pm.     

SUBJECT: Department Heads     
PRESENT: Road Agent, David Kenneally; Police Chief, Patrick Clarke, Building Inspector, David Paveglio, Emergency Management Director, John Martell and Fire Chief, Mike Paveglio

BI-   Mr. Paveglio shared the highlights of the Well Water Seminar he had attended earlier that day. The Water Well Board would like to make new well testing mandatory.

Mr. Crannell had stopped by his residence over the weekend asking what could be done to obtain a building permit.  Mr. Paveglio informed him he needed to get on the waiting list.

EMD –   Mr. Martell had nothing new to report this evening.

FIRE –   Chief Paveglio asked for clarification on which board he should give his recommendation to regarding a new town engineer.  

A significant number of houses are still not clearly identified with visible house numbers.  It is a major problem and options discussed were; mandatory for new homes through new ordinance in the zoning regulations, search for grant monies or fundraising to defray the cost of purchasing reflective number signs for all residences.  This is a life safety issue and needless minutes are sometimes spent trying to locate the correct house.  

The new sign at the station is almost complete.  Landscape blocks and flowers will be placed around the bottom.  

Chief Paveglio asked the selectmen what their position was in regards to a highway employee responding to calls when on duty.  The road agent has discussed this with the employee and offered the following stipulations; check with the road agent prior to leaving the job site and once on scene, if enough personnel are already there, return to the job site. The board felt this was reasonable and worked out fairly with the road agent.

Finally, the Old Home Day Committee meeting is next week and Mike will be attending to offer the departments help.  There are some new events this year.  

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Selectmen’s minutes
July 25, 2006

PD – Chief Clarke reported that Officer Wright was involved in a motor vehicle accident with the cruiser.  The vehicle is currently at M&M Ford being repaired.  The insurance deductible was discussed.  Lisa will give Pat the necessary budget information.

Part – time Officer Krochmal has resigned.

A reminder that a copy of the approved minutes clarifying signature approval for the OHRV Grant should be forwarded to Fish & Game.

HYW – Ditching is going well. David is now working with a new representative from FEMA.  He has been told by FEMA that there will not be money available for the bridge on Swiggey Brook Road, but there is money available for removal and replacement of the dirt surrounding the bridge. Resident Dave Vallencourt, a state worker for emergency management, is looking into the availability of mitigation money for the bridge repair.  

Depot Road bridge has been cleaned.  

The Webster Mills Bridge project is behind schedule.  The contract states it must be passable by August 18, 2006.  Weekly meetings are taking place at the site on Monday mornings.  A revised schedule is being sent to the town.  

A lengthy discussion was held regarding the release of bond monies for the Mulachy Glen Subdivision.  David shared his concerns about the town engineers’ report on the road conditions.  Mr. Mullaney, developer of the property does not want to be stuck in the middle between the town engineer and the road agent.  He is concerned with the process and suggested a site visit with all parties in attendance.  A meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, August 1, at 10:00am.  

Once the road is accepted as complete, Mr. Mullaney is required to furnish a Maintenance Bond for the road.  There is a separate bond existing for the re-paving of Bailey Road.  Mr. Mullaney inquired when the sub surface work would be completed.

Mr. Kenneally met with Brown Engineering concerning Center Road.  He was told the core drilling expense would be extra.  That was not the understanding the town had.  Mr. Kenneally asked for Brown to clarify this and Selectmen DeBold stated he would review the proposal once again and follow-up with Brown.  

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Selectmen’s minutes
July 25, 2006

SUBJECT: Ray’s Auto Body – Junkyard Violation
PRESENT: Raymond Lavalley, Tony Soltani, Esq.

Mr. Lavalley updated the board on the status of his alleged zoning violation.  He has cooperated with the town and removed all the junk cars from behind the building.  There is some junk metal on the side of the garage scheduled to be removed.  For future use a plastic bed has been installed in the ground for the scrap parts.  Mr. Lavalley believes he has met the conditions of the violation letter, cooperated with the town and thanks them for their flexibility and willingness to work with him.   

Within the scope of his business, Mr. Lavalley rebuilds vehicles to a point where he can obtain a salvage title from the state and thus sell them. He completes a form and submits it to the state.  The state reviews the business on an annual basis.   Attorney Soltani explained to the selectmen that according to statute, an ancillary business is allowed more than one unregistered vehicle on the premises at one time.  Some of the vehicles parked out front are for repair and some are on display for sale.  The only item remaining to clarify is the amount of cars/parking spaces allowed.  The site plan from 1995 indicates forty-nine parking spaces, forty-two of them located out front.  The board would like to research the corresponding minutes to determine if any stipulations are stated as to the amount of vehicles allowed for display.  The board will follow up with Attorney Soltani.   

SUBJECT: Congregational Church – Driveway Permit
PRESENT: Paul Taylor, Marc Vanson from TF Moran Engineering
The Congregational Church is proposing to relocate their existing driveway.  The Department of Transportation acknowledges the driveway is located on a town road and will need a letter from the town authorizing the church to make the application to the state for modifications to the driveway.  Any work that touches a state right of way requires a permit application.  The road agent informed the board he was in favor of the revised plan.  The church has addressed his concerns.  The board drafted a letter for the Department of Transportation, District #5.  

The board discussed the desire to have the new library well completed prior to the paving and road work. Discussion took place about the library sharing usage with the church and perhaps drafting an easement outlining the terms.  Selectman DeBold will discuss with town counsel.  Lisa will send a memo to the library trustees informing them of what was discussed.     

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Selectmen’s minutes
July 25, 2006


General correspondence was reviewed.  

The board directed Lisa to send a letter to Mr. Mullaney’s attorney, notifying him of the meeting scheduled for August 1.

Map 1/30 – Zoning Violation
The board directed Lisa to write town counsel to initiate court proceedings for removal of the occupants.  

The vacancy on the Planning Board was tabled for this meeting.

Selectman DeBold discussed with the other board members, questions from the conservation commission relative to the survey work at Carpenter Park.  Mr. DeBold will respond back to Mr. Andrews.  

Lisa was asked to contact the painting contractor and inquire as to the status of the work.

Lisa will ask the Planning Board for clarification of the address for the alleged dance studio zoning violation.  

Being no further business, the Chairman adjourned the meeting at 10:20pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Lisa Stevens
Administrative Assistant   

Stephen MacCleery, Chairman   

David Colbert  

Richard DeBold  

                                                              APPROVED 8/1/2006